My domain of is expired

Long time never write my expression of my mind. Tonight I just turn on my computer connect to the internet browsing for some thing that not important. I remember that last year I have a blog that never maintain. ooh ya.... tonight is the opportunity to write again.

What topics I have to write tonight?...
confuse...again. Come on....think hard to find a topic to be written...

Find some thing to write...
I want to write about my first post in this blog.
Last year I try to write this blog to promote my website in, I am a member from last year in February 2007. In the beginning I am very obviously an optimistic that using from this affiliate program I will have a lot of money. What my mentor said...I do..

But, it is very hard for my, because they suggest me to advertise my website in yahoo search and google adword, I did it, all the cost paid using my credit card... the end of the month I got my credit card billing is jumped very with my earning in this affiliate program is not compatible. The cost of domain hosting and advertisement was higher than my earning. My earning was NZD $140 and the advertising cost GBP 95 cost for domain is USD 45.

Due the term of withdrawal is minimu NZD 200, so I can not withdrow my earning until now.
One or two month ago I tried to acces my account in affiliat junction, but my account status already in active. And last week (begining of March) I got an email from domain hosting provider informing that my domain is expired.

So...all my friend who read this blog, be careful if you want to join any affiliate program.


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